Monday, September 6


We all know buying a house is annoying and time consuming, but luckily the first time round Bill and I had an easy go of it. Not so lucky this time. It's like having 2 kids, the first amazing perfect, so everything hits with the second. The house ended up closing I think 6 or 7 weeks after it was supposed to. We ended up packing, putting everything in the garage, and living with our patient friends Amy and Nathan. Imagine going from 2 people to 2 people plus a kid, and then another person! Yup, Bonnie (my sis living with us for the summer) ended up flying in before we even made it into the house. She slept in the dining room. Don't get the wrong impression though, they have a gorgeous 2400 sq foot home with more than enough room. Coming from our house it felt like a mansion or 5 star hotel.
Anyway, the point is moving/packing. I know I've mentioned before how much I love organizing and cleaning out things. Moving is the ultimate clean dream for me. This time round I finally inventoried my my movies, books, and cds (but that doesn't matter b/c the cds are all gone now). And even though all the tubs in the storage room are packed up and ready to go, I insist on going through all of them again. When that happens, there must be caution, b/c this could happen...

To my husbands dismay, LM discovered Barbies and was overwhelmed. And then he responded as any good father would--he started playing too.

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