Sunday, October 31

Thinking Ahead

Just when I thought I was on top of everything, we got all the additional application stuff from the Ethiopia program. Apparently the first packet was from our agency in general; this one is specifically from the Ethiopia program within the agency. This application is actually our true dossier. The application for the general agency is a part of the Home Study

I feel a little overwhelmed-I cannot believe the amount of notarized/state certified documentation that is needed. Including, but not limited to:
  • Color copy of passports
  • more letters of recommendation
  • police clearance for each parent
  • medical certificate for each parent
  • employers' letter (including benefit and life insurance coverage)
  • attestation and declaration of personal condition
  • bank letter
All of these need to be notarized, some state certified. Several them already need to be done for the agency, but then notarized and rewritten for the dossier. It can be the same thing, but needs to be a separate copy that is notarized.

Steps to complete:
  • Agency application (detailed in earlier blog post), all in process right now and moving along ok. Should be done by January.
  • Adoption classes-hopefully going in January
  • File with USCIS ($800 form)
  • Finalize dossier to send in-hopefully by end of April
Exciting, tiring, but we're on track. I've learned adoption is not for those who lack self-initiative. Thankfully this is something I may have a little bit too much of.

By the way-when is the last time you had your fingerprints done? They don't use ink anymore! Brilliant!


KaRynn said...

I am so excited for you guys! It sounds like a lot of work, but it's worth it for a sweet little child.

Jen said...

My friend who's doing an ethiopian adoption just got back from Africa and gets to go back in December to pick up their daughter. It's all so exciting!! I'm super happy for you guys. It will be worth all the hurdles and paperwork.