Wednesday, December 30

Holiday wrap-up

This year we were lucky enough to have many visitors during the winter break. It started with my sister Liz. Then my brother Max and his wife Lisa came up for the weekend. We took them all around Portland and even made them do a 2 hour tour of Salem. I hope they actually want to come again.

Bill's brother JJ joined us the Monday before Christmas. This gave us a chance to really bug all the college kids at once. We sat them down and made each one tell us their "plan." I know they loved it. It was fun for us to pretend like we know everything and give loads of advice.

Lisa and Max left for her family's house on Tuesday, the same day Bill's parents flew in. I had enough time to wash the towels and vacuum, and then it was more fun!

The fun started ending early the day after Christmas. My sister left Sat, Bill's parents late Sunday night, and his brother Monday morning. We loved having a house full of guests. It was so nice to celebrate the holidays with more than just our little family.

As per my usual self-every day was planned with activities and food. I tried to keep it reasonable, but I certainly kept everyone busy. Even though we still have one holiday to go, New Years, for our family everything is pretty much wrapped up. We're anxious to move on to Jan and the last semester of school!


Amy said...

A two hour tour of Salem? Let's see, does that mean a 10 minute drive around downtown and then 1 hour and 50 minutes at the Konditerei?

Mo said...

great photos and write-up of the holidays. keep blogging.