Tuesday, January 5

A Review of 2009

I'm actually stealing this idea off of one of my friend's blogs, but I feel like it is such a great way to end the year and start another. Without further ado, here is 2009:

I got a new camera in anticipation of my trip (see March) and LM got eaten by a wave. Thankfully it did not affect his feelings about water or the coast.

I spent the month bike riding in chilling rain. Bill probably did the same thing.

Trip of a lifetime to Cambodia-I hope it isn't my only trip of a lifetime. Amazing experience, lots of new friends. Met Somaly Mam. As if biking 300 miles in Cambodia wasn't enough, I came home and did a short tri with friends. It was cold, and the whole time I was wishing I was not on a bike. We went to breakfast afterward, that was fun.

Also of note in March, LM's 3rd b-day. He got his first musical instrument-a guitar.

Upon coming home from my cathartic trip to Cambodia I quit my job. My last day was April 1st. Bill and LM gave me a welcome home party. I said goodbye to my work friends (of course, I still work on-call and manage to see them quite a bit-still isn't the same)

I-phone! I only dreamed about it for over 6 months. Bill didn't get one--he gets one this year.

LM and Bill go camping. I get to spend a night alone in my own house.
5 year anniversary--went to San Francisco to knock something off the bucket list, to see Andrea Bocelli in concert.
First sibling to get married-Max. He married Lisa--still not sure how he managed to pull that off. She is only the most wonderful person ever. We all take a big trip to Utah for the wedding.

Also of important note-Bill can still beat his brother at arm wrestling.

Oh yes, I turned 25-supposedly 25 is one of the greatest years. Considering it is the age I will be when Bill graduates, I have to agree. (Although I already feel like I'm 26, not sure why but it is always the age I think I am.)

I take my sister Bonnie home with me-we go to Seattle and Forks! Another lifelong dream fulfilled :)

First running event: Hood to Coast. FUN!

Sold a car, bought a car and a boat.

The great flood-thankfully the only thing it ruined was one filling cabinet drawer of pictures, which weren't too bad after I dried them out.

LM starts preschool 2 mornings a week.

Second running event: 1/2 Marathon. Not as much fun as Hood to Coast, but still a worthwhile experience.

LM's first girlfriend and the only person he will play with without any fighting.

I hurriedly finish up my photography class--LM and I work out a deal. I can take as many pictures of him as I want, if he can take as many pictures of me as he wants. I routinely go through his camera to delete the 1/2 naked photos of me and Bill.

Year finishes up with a bang. Lots of visitors (Gma and Papa Weidner, Uncle JJ, Aunt Liz, Uncle Max and Aunt Lisa). Lots of fun (sugar cookies, g-bread houses, zoo lights, presents) Bill turns 34?! Year ends on a good note (at least for LM) with snow. He insisted on wearing a scarf--I didn't get one for him this year, so he is wearing one of mine.

Here's to 2010!


Amy said...

I'd say that looks like a pretty good year! Isn't it amazing how many things can happen in just one year? Kind of makes you excited to see what 2010 holds, doesn't it?

Prestwich Family said...

Cool post Becca! I would love to do one like that, but it would just be the same the month after month!